Asher Low Info

Speaker Information

Asher Low

Executive Director, Senior Social Worker

About the panellist

The founder and current Executive Director of Limitless, Asher is a social worker with more than ten years of experience working with young people. He also has clinical tenures in the family, prisons and youth sectors. Asher has a special passion to help youths who struggle with mental health conditions, and has spearheaded research, advocacy, and public education efforts to help promote help-seeking behaviour and reduce stigma in youths. He also has a strong desire to help grow healthy churches and healthy church leaders, having spent many years serving in the church as a youth leader. And has supported several churches and youth ministries in Singapore, through training, as a guest speaker, and through ongoing mental health consulting. Currently on board as a member of Tote Board/NCSS’s Gifting Circle for Children and Youth Mental Health, Asher also works to explore how the VWOs, stat boards and government bodies in the mental health landscape can further support young people with mental health conditions, make help seeking easier, as well as facilitate prevention of said mental health conditions through trauma informed work.

About the speaker's involvement in D6 Family Conference 2023 Singapore

Panellist for Panel Discussion

Raising Mentally Healthy Kids in a VUCA World

Contact Information 

  • Phone: +65 6304 5286
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