Daniel Lim

Speaker Information

Daniel Lim

About the speaker

Daniel Lim was an atheist who became a believer during his army days. As a Christian, Daniel had to resolve his past thoughts/beliefs on many issues (e.g. humanity, morality, etc.). Thus began his journey of engaging the Bible and exploring apologetics to gain a better understanding of the beauty and wholesomeness of God and the Gospel. 

A father of three young children, Daniel serves alongside TrueLove.is ministry which seeks to make churches a safer space for conversations on sexuality and gender issues. He serves in the capacity of a speaker on various topics and has spear-headed the effort to compile and produce a book titled Homosexuality FAQ – A Christian Perspective. He is also currently pursuing a Master of Divinity at Trinity Theological College. 

About the speaker's involvement in D6 Family Conference 2024 Singapore

Panel Conversation

What’s at Stake for our Children in Postmodern Culture and Progressive Christianity 

Contact Information 

  • Phone: +65 6304 5286
  • Email: family.min@bible.org.sg